Embracing Self-Love: A Reflection on February

Love does not begin and end the way we seem to think it does. Love is a battle, love is a war; love is a growing up.

James Baldwin

As we bid farewell to the month of love, it’s important to take a moment to reflect on the different forms of love that we have experienced. While romantic love often takes center stage during February, we must not forget the importance of self-love and the love that surrounds us from friends, family, and even strangers.

Self-love is an essential component of our overall well-being. It’s about recognizing our worth, setting boundaries, and taking care of ourselves. It’s not selfish, it’s necessary. This past month, I’ve been focusing on prioritizing self-care and embracing self-love, and it has made a world of difference in my outlook on life.

I want to take this opportunity to express my gratitude to all of you who have shared your thoughts on self-love. Your comments and insights have been truly inspiring, and it’s clear that this is a topic that resonates with many. It’s heartwarming to see the love and support that we can provide to one another, even in an online community.

So, as we move into a new month, let’s continue to prioritize self-love and spread love to those around us. Let’s remind ourselves that we are worthy of love and deserve to treat ourselves with kindness and compassion. And let’s also continue to show appreciation and support to those who are on their own journey towards self-love.

Thank you for being a part of this conversation and for your continued support. Here’s to a month where we continue to embrace and celebrate all forms of love. Cheers to love, in all its beautiful and diverse forms.

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FACEBOOK: My Beloved Khanyi

Email: khanyisilezwane72@gmail.com

The Origins of Valentine’s Day

There is only one happiness in this life, to love and be loved.

George Sand

Valentine’s Day, the most romantic day of the year. On this special day, people all over the world express their love and affection for their significant others and loved ones. But have you ever wondered about the history of Valentine’s Day?

The origins of Valentine’s Day can be traced back to ancient Rome, where the pagan festival of Lupercalia was celebrated on February 15th. This festival was dedicated to the Roman god of fertility, and it was a time of feasting, drinking, and matchmaking.

In the 5th century, Pope Gelasius I combined the celebration of Lupercalia with the feast day of St. Valentine, a Christian martyr who was said to have secretly married couples against the

emperor’s orders. Since then, February 14th has been associated with love and romance.

Today, Valentine’s Day is celebrated with the exchange of cards, flowers, and chocolates, as well as romantic dinners and special gestures of affection. It’s a day to show the people in our lives just how much we love and appreciate them.

Whether you’re celebrating with a romantic partner, friends, or family, Valentine’s Day is a time to cherish the connections we have with the people we care about. It’s a day to express our love and gratitude and to create lasting memories with those we hold dear.

So, this Valentine’s Day, take the time to show your loved ones how much they mean to you. Whether it’s with a heartfelt card, a bouquet of flowers, or a simple act of kindness, let those around you know that you appreciate them. After all, love is meant to be celebrated and cherished every day, but especially on Valentine’s Day.

Happy Valentine’s Day to all the lovers, friends, and family members in our lives. Whether you’re celebrating with your significant other or spending the day with your closest friends, I hope this day is filled with love and joy. And to those who are single, remember that you are loved and valued.

Be kind to yourself and enjoy your day! Thank you for visiting my blog, and I hope to see you back soon. Until then, stay happy and healthy.

Facebook: My Beloved Khanyi

EMAIL: khanyisilezwane72@gmail.com

How do you define self-love?

You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection.


February being the month of love I thought we should do something different. Usually this month the focus is on relationships.

I found myself in deep thought after a colleague of mine asked me if is it wrong to be in a relationship with yourself. I was puzzled for a moment and then realized the importance of focusing on yourself and loving yourself.

Without going any further, I want us to shift the conversation of this month. Our main focus is on self-love. Can you fall in love with someone else without loving yourself first? The answer is no. It all begins with you.

I want us to have a conversation. Tell me How do you define self-love? What does it look like to you?
I’m looking forward to interacting with you on the comments block.
Happy love month and thank you for passing by.

Don’t forget to like, comment, follow, and recommend this blog to your family and friends.

FACEBOOK: My Beloved Khanyi
EMAIL: khanyisilezwane72@gmail.com

Debunking the myth that boredom is inevitable in long-term relationships

Love is that condition in which the happiness of another person is essential to your own.

Robert A. Heinlein

Last time, we asked our readers how they keep the spark alive in their relationships. The responses were varied, but one thing was clear – people want to keep their relationships exciting and fresh. So, let’s explore some ways to do just that!

First, it’s important to remember that a relationship is like a plant – it needs to be nurtured and cared for to flourish.

I mentioned that I’ve been dating my boyfriend for such a long time, and to tell you what, he still makes my heart skip every time I set my eyes on him. The way he loves and treats me special, you would swear that we just met.

We’ve been dating for nine years. Nine years is a long time to be in a relationship, and it’s easy for things to become comfortable and predictable. But as the story goes, ‘comfort is the enemy of progress.’ That’s why it’s important to find ways to add a little excitement and spontaneity to a relationship, even after many years. One way to do this is to create shared experiences that create lasting memories and strengthen the bond between you and your partner.

The truth is, you never have to get bored in a relationship, even if you’ve been together for a long time. As long as you’re both willing to put in the effort and try new things together, there’s always something new to explore. Being in a long-term relationship can be an amazing opportunity to get to know someone and build a deep, lasting connection.

It’s all about making the most of the time you have together and making an effort to keep things fresh and exciting. So, let’s debunk the myth of boredom in relationships!

Ways to spice up your relationship


Picnics are such a lovely way to spend time together! There’s something about being out in nature and enjoying a meal together that just feels so special.

Plan Surprise Dates

Night outs are also a wonderful way to break up the routine and have some fun. It’s great to have a change of scenery and do something different together.

Watch movies together

 Watching movies is a classic way to relax and connect. Sometimes, a simple movie night at home can be the perfect way to reconnect and enjoy each other’s company.

 When it comes to movie night at home, the most important thing is to focus on creating a cozy and comfortable atmosphere. Think of soft blankets, warm snacks, and maybe even a glass of wine. Then, you can add a little romance by choosing a movie that’s sure to make you both laugh and feel the love.

Rediscover Shared Interests

Rekindling the connection, you once had can be as simple as rediscovering shared interests. Find an activity that you both enjoy, such as cooking, hiking, or dancing and dedicate regular time to engage in it together. This shared experience will not only bring you closer but also provide an opportunity for personal growth.

Surprise Love Notes

Small gestures can have a big impact. Leave sweet and thoughtful love notes for your partner to discover throughout their day. These little surprises will remind them of your love and appreciation, making them feel cherished and adored.

When it comes to quality time with your partner, it doesn’t always have to be fancy or expensive.

Don’t forget to like, comment, follow, and recommend this blog to your friends and family.

Facebook: My Beloved Khanyi

Email: khanyisilezwane72@gmail.com

Thank you so much for passing by.

Adding a Little Zing to Your Relationship

A few weeks ago, a colleague of mine asked me a thought-provoking question: “Don’t you ever get bored of dating the same person for such a long time?” It made me pause and reflect on my relationship. I realized that my answer was a resounding “no.”

While some may think that being in a long-term relationship can become monotonous, I’ve found that it’s anything but. With each passing year, I feel my love for my partner deepen and evolve.

There are plenty of ways to keep things interesting and exciting. So, without further ado, let’s dive in and get some answers from the crowd!

Are you looking to add a little zing to your relationship? Well, you’re in luck! In this post, we’ll be exploring some fun and creative ways to keep things exciting with your partner. But first, we need to hear from you. So, here’s my question:

What’s one thing you do to keep the spark alive in your relationship?

Let’s hear your answers and get inspired by each other’s experiences! This will be a fun, collaborative post that will give us all some new ideas for keeping our relationships interesting.

Don’t forget to like, comment, follow and recommend this blog to your friends and family.

Facebook : My Beloved Khanyi

Email : khanyisilezwane72@gmail.com

Thank you so much for passing by.

Β Acknowledging Women’s Month: A Sincere Apology

A woman with a voice is by definition a strong woman. But the search to find that voice can be remarkably difficult.

Melinda Gates

I want to begin this blog post by extending my apologies. As we celebrate Women’s Month, I realize that I have inadvertently neglected to write about topics concerning women. This oversight was unintentional on my part, and for that, I genuinely apologize. Women’s Month serves as a reminder to honor the achievements, contributions, and challenges faced by women worldwide, and it is crucial to address these issues year-round. Moving forward, I am committed to ensuring that my blog encompasses a broader range of perspectives, experiences, and stories, including those that champion women.

Are Women Receiving Enough Support from Their Partners in a Relationship?

In today’s evolving society, the dynamics in most relationships have shifted considerably. As we strive for equal rights and gender parity, it is essential to examine the support women receive from their partners. Are women truly receiving enough support in their relationships? Let’s delve into this question and explore the different facets of this complex issue.

1. Understanding Individual Needs:

Every relationship is unique, and the level of support needed can vary greatly from person to person. It is crucial for both partners to engage in open and honest communication, understanding each other’s needs and aspirations. Mutual respect, empathy, and active listening are key components of a supportive partnership.

2. Emotional Support:

Emotional support is essential in any relationship, and it becomes even more crucial when discussing women’s experiences. Whether it’s offering a shoulder to lean on during tough times, celebrating achievements, or actively participating in discussions on important matters, partners need to prioritize fostering emotional well-being. A strong emotional foundation helps women feel heard, valued, and understood, ultimately contributing to their overall happiness and success.

3. Shared Responsibilities:

Supporting a partner means sharing responsibilities, be it in the home, workplace, or other aspects of life. Recognizing and addressing the imbalance of household chores, child-rearing, and other domestic responsibilities is vital. Equal distribution of tasks allows women to pursue their personal goals, actively participate in their careers, and maintain a healthy work-life balance.

4. Encouraging Personal Growth:

Partners who genuinely support each other’s personal growth often witness a flourishing relationship. It is crucial for women to have their ambitions acknowledged and supported by their partners. Encouraging and cheering on each other’s endeavors fosters a sense of empowerment, helping women realize their full potential on both personal and

professional levels.

5. Advocacy and Empowerment:

Beyond personal support, partners can play an active role in advocating for women’s rights and empowerment. By challenging stereotypes, fostering fair and equal treatment, and promoting women’s causes, partners can create a more inclusive and supportive environment for their loved ones and society as a whole.

In society’s journey towards gender equality, supporting women in relationships is an integral element. Women deserve partners who not only value and respect them but also actively contribute to their personal growth, societal advancement, and overall well-being. It is our collective responsibility to cultivate relationships that foster equality, empowerment, and mutual support – not only during Women’s Month but throughout the year.

Let’s use this occasion to reflect upon our actions, make amends when necessary, and strive to build a more inclusive and supportive society for everyone.

Wishing you all a Women’s Month filled with empowerment, understanding, and meaningful change.

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Facebook: My Beloved Khanyi

Email: khanyisilezwane72@gmail.com

Thank you so much for visiting my blog.

Β Exploring the Phrase “A Man Doesn’t Cry”

Real men cry, it’s okay to cry. It doesn’t make you less of a man, it makes you human.

Dwayne β€œThe Rock” Johnson

The phrase “A man doesn’t cry” has long been ingrained in society as a powerful expression of traditional masculinity. It suggests that men must suppress their emotions and be stoic at all times. However, in recent years, there has been a growing movement challenging this notion and pushing for a more nuanced understanding of masculinity. In this blog post, we will delve into the phrase “A man doesn’t cry” and analyze its implications from various perspectives.

To understand the origins of the phrase, we must examine the historical context surrounding masculinity. Traditionally, society has held certain expectations for men, often emphasizing traits such as strength, resilience, and emotional control. Crying, on the other hand, has been associated with vulnerability, weakness, and even femininity. This societal norm has perpetuated the idea that men should suppress their emotions and avoid shedding tears.

The phrase “A man doesn’t cry” promotes the idea that men should keep their feelings to themselves and not show any signs of weakness. This expectation not only places a heavy burden on men but also restricts their ability to fully express themselves emotionally. By discouraging men from crying, society sends a message that their emotions are invalid or unworthy of acknowledgment.

Repressing emotions and denying the natural need to express oneself can have detrimental effects on mental health. Studies have shown that excessive emotional suppression can lead to increased stress levels, anxiety, and even depression. By perpetuating the notion that crying is a sign of weakness, we contribute to a culture that hinders men from seeking the support they may need when facing emotional challenges.

The phrase “A man doesn’t cry” reinforces traditional gender stereotypes that suggest men should be unemotional and always in control. However, modern society is gradually recognizing the importance of dismantling these stereotypes. Many individuals and organizations are actively promoting a more inclusive and empathetic understanding of masculinity, one that allows men to fully embrace their emotions and encourages healthy emotional expression.

The phrase “A man doesn’t cry” assumes a singular and rigid definition of what it means to be a man. However, it is crucial to recognize that masculinity can take on many forms and does not need to conform to a narrow set of standards. Men, like

women, are complex individuals with a wide range of emotions. By challenging the notion that men should not cry, we open up space for them to embrace their vulnerability and experience emotional healing and growth.

The phrase “A man doesn’t cry” reflects an outdated and harmful societal expectation that seeks to limit the emotional expression of men. It is essential for us to recognize the damaging impact these restrictions can have on individual mental health and challenge these norms by redefining masculinity. By promoting emotional intelligence, vulnerability, and empathy, we can create a more inclusive and understanding society that values the emotional well-being of all individuals, regardless of gender.

The Man Who Shed Tears: Applauding Men’s Emotional Courage

In the quest for gender equality and breaking down societal norms, it is vital to recognize and appreciate men who bravely voice their opinions, especially on sensitive topics like whether men should or should not cry. This blog post aims to extend gratitude to those men who have spoken out on this issue, acknowledging their courage and shedding light on how suppressing emotions can impact their mental health. Moreover, it serves as a call to action, encouraging men not to bottle

up their emotions but to speak openly about the challenges they face and the emotions they experience. By doing so, we create a safer and more empathetic space for men to navigate their mental well-being.

First and foremost, a heartfelt applause goes out to the men who have openly discussed and shared their opinions on the notion that “men don’t cry.” Society has long ingrained the belief that men should be strong, stoic, and unemotional. However, these brave individuals have defied these societal expectations and shed light on the importance of emotional expression.

By speaking out, these men have acknowledged that bottling up emotions can take a toll on mental health. They have lent their voices to challenge the stereotypes that limit men’s emotional range and have opened doors for deeper conversations about masculinity and vulnerability.

One crucial aspect that arises from the discussion around men shedding tears is the connection to mental health. The pressure to conform to societal expectations can create a hostile environment for men to express their emotions freely. Many times, societal norms dictate that men should appear invulnerable, causing them to internalize their feelings and experiences.

This suppression of emotions can lead to detrimental effects on mental health. Studies have shown that the accumulation of unspoken emotions can result in increased stress, anxiety, and even depression. It is therefore imperative to encourage men to speak up about their struggles and emotions, helping break down the barriers that restrict their overall well-being.

To all the men reading this, we implore you to continue sharing your thoughts and experiences. Your voice matters, and your emotional well-being deserves attention. By openly discussing your feelings, you not only empower yourself but also inspire others to do the same.

Facilitating a safe space to express emotions is an essential step towards eradicating harmful stereotypes that limit emotional expression. Encourage your male friends, family members, and colleagues to speak up as well. Together, we can create a supportive community that fosters mental well-being and emotional growth for everyone.

Remember, expressing emotions is not a sign of weakness but rather a strength that demonstrates your authenticity and perceptiveness about your own mental health. Speak up, share your concerns, and seek support when needed. Your vulnerability may inspire others to do the same.

In closing, we extend our utmost gratitude to the men who have voiced their opinions and shared their experiences regarding the societal expectation that “men don’t cry.” We applaud your bravery and celebrate your courage in challenging harmful stereotypes.

Let us continue to encourage open dialogue, promote emotional expression, and support one another’s mental health. By doing so, we pave the way for a more inclusive society, one where the emotional well-being of men is valued, respected, and prioritized.

Don’t forget to like, comment, follow and recommend this blog to your friends and family.

Facebook : My Beloved Khanyi

Email : khanyisilezwane72@gmail.com

Thank you so much for passing by.

A man doesn’t cry

A man doesn’t cry. In my life, I’ve never cried. I cannot do it. I am a man. How will I cry?

Alejandro Jodorowsky

July is a men’s month, We will do the usual by focusing on issues that affect men. A lot has been done and said but still the phrase ” Indoda ayikhali” meaning, a man doesn’t cry, remains.

Have you ever wished that you can unlearn this phrase? Well, I’m not a man but, I’ve seen the damage caused by this syndrome. I’ll hold my views on this topic for our next blog post.

Let’s have a conversation, What do you think about the phrase ” A man doesn’t cry”? Does it help or harm men’s mental health?

I’m looking forward to having a conversation with you.

Thank you so much for passing by. Don’t forget to like, comment, follow, and recommend this blog to your friends and family.

Facebook: MyBelovedKhanyi

Email: khanyisilezwane72@gmail.com

Male / Female bestie

We used to be friends, but I don’t know when your presence becomes very important to me, and I started falling for you.


Dating can be a complicated game that requires balancing different priorities and perspectives. One of the most common situations that arise is when your girlfriend has a male bestie. From your perspective, this friendship can bring a mix of emotions that can range from jealousy, frustration, insecurity, and ultimately, unhappiness.

As humans, we tend to see the world through our lenses and forget that the people around us are unique and have their own experiences and perspectives. Similarly, if you have a girlfriend with a male bestie, you need to trust that their relationship is based on shared interests and personal connections, and has nothing to do with your relationship with your girlfriend.

Here are some things to keep in mind while dating a girlfriend with a male bestie:

  1. Trust:

Trust is the foundation of any romantic relationship. If your girlfriend has a male bestie, you need to trust her and her intentions. Moreover, it’s essential to be honest with yourself and your girlfriend about your feelings and concerns. Communication is key, and being open and

honest can help you maintain a healthy and trusting relationship.

  • Respect:

As in any friendship or relationship, respect is crucial. While it’s okay to feel a bit uneasy or uncomfortable, it’s essential to respect your girlfriend’s boundaries and her friendship with her male bestie. Be open-minded and get to know her male bestie as an individual, not as a threat to your relationship.

  • Friendship

 You can’t force your girlfriend to give up her friendship with her male bestie. Moreover, it’s not healthy or fair to make her choose between you and her bestie. Instead, try to be friends with her male bestie and find ways to connect and bond over shared interests.

  • Insecurities:

 If you find yourself struggling with insecurities or jealousy, it’s important to deal with these feelings head-on. Healthy relationships are based on mutual love and respect, not insecurities and jealousy. Speak to your girlfriend honestly about what you’re feeling, and find ways to build a deeper sense of trust and understanding.

  • Time alone

 Finally, it’s essential that you and your girlfriend have time alone to develop your relationship. While it’s good to have friends, your romantic relationship should always come first. Be sure to communicate your needs and feelings to your girlfriend and find a balance that works for both of you.

In conclusion, dating a girlfriend with a male bestie can be challenging, but it’s not impossible. Remember to trust and respect your girlfriend’s friendship, communicate honestly and openly, and work through any insecurities or concerns. With patience, understanding, and a healthy dose of love and respect, you can overcome any obstacle in your relationship.

I would like to hear from you , What are your thoughts and feelings about your partner having a Male/ Female bestie, how do you think it affects your relationship?

Don’t forget to like, comment, follow and recommend this blog to your friends and family.

Facebook : My Beloved Khanyi

Email : khanyisilezwane72@gmail.com

Thank you so much for passing by.

Is it necessary for me to establish a friendship with my partner’s social circle?

Baby girl.. your boyfriend’s friends.. are not your friends.. They are nice to you.. and also nice to.. his side chicks..

Babi Shakes

As relationships progress, more often than not, you’ll find yourself getting involved in your partner’s social circle. While some find it easy to gel with their partner’s friends, others may find it more challenging. Couples often ask themselves, “Do I have to be friends with my partner’s friends?” The answer to this question is not as straightforward as we would like it to be. There is no right or wrong answer, as it mainly depends on your personal choice.

Here are some things to consider before making a decision:


One of the essential factors you need to consider before deciding whether or not to be friends with your partner’s friends is the

compatibility factor. You might find that you have nothing in common with your partner’s friends, making it challenging to build a connection. It is not necessary to force a relationship with someone just because your partner is friends with them. However, if you find that you have common interests or share values, it may be worthwhile to foster a friendship.

Respect and Boundaries:

It’s important to recognize and respect your partner’s friendships, even if you’re not close to those friends. You may not have the same level of comfort around your partner’s friends, but respecting their friends will be appreciated. This means you need to be courteous and kind to them, even if you’re not keen on socializing with them Often, it’s important to set

boundaries. Spending time with your partner’s friends should not mean sacrificing your quality time with your partner.


Communication is the key to any relationship. It is even more essential when it comes to friendships in a relationship. Your partner needs to understand your perspective and how you feel about spending time with their friends, especially if there are negative feelings. It is essential to communicate with your partner and come up with a solution that works for both of you. Suppose you choose not to be friends with your partner’s friends. In that case, it’s important to be open with your partner and explain why this decision has been made.

In summary, choosing whether or not to be friends with your partner’s friends is a personal decision that is up to you. While being friends with their friends can make things easier, it’s not necessary for a healthy relationship. It’s important to focus on the compatibility factor, respect boundaries, and communicate your feelings with your partner. Ultimately, the decision on whether or not to be friends with your partner’s friends should benefit the stability of your relationship.

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FACEBOOK : My Beloved Khanyi

EMAIL : khayisilezwane72@gmail.com